The Killer Customer Service Technique

2 min readMar 31, 2022

Report says companies that listen to their customers grow 10 x faster compared to companies that don’t. Are you wondering why this is so? Well, the reason is not far-fetched. Human beings are wired to connect — and we have the most complex and interesting social behavior.

Don’t just take our word for it, research by American Express found that 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a better experience. One thing is clear though, customer service is the heart of all business and a happy customer is one who is likely to become a loyal customer. With this article, you will learn how to deliver a positive customer experience.

Killer customer service technique

How to create a positive customer experience.

In a world where customers have seemingly endless options, exceptional customer service might be one thing that stands you out. Below is our 3CUP killer customer technique.

  1. Use Your Customers’ Name: Addressing people by their name gives them a sense of humanness. It feels like there is a connection which is what you want to share with your customer at the end of the day. Please do as much as possible to do away with words like Dear, Sweetheart. Be professional.
  2. Customize your response to meet your customer’s exact needs: In the case where customers have questions or inquiries, tailor your answers to fit their needs. Take, for example, a customer who says; “Do you offer home delivery services”? Your response should look like this: “Yes, we offer home delivery services. However, our home delivery services attract additional costs”.
  3. Be Courteous: Being courteous and polite makes all the difference. People like to be treated with respect and when you do with sincerity, they will stick with you. Moreover, people can interpret tones and expressions. Use words that are helpful, friendly, and fit into the context of the conversation.
  4. Add Personality: When they have conversations with you, your customers should feel like they are interacting with a human-like them. Add some humanness to your conversations. Where appropriate, try to add emojis and GIFs to add an extra spark of personality.
  5. Use a CapiCollect link: Make payment experience for your customers the best it can be with a customised link. With CapiCollect, your customers have different payment options. Customize a payment link with your business name here to collect payment 24|7.




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